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Sunday Celebration

"Getting There Together" – Eugene Holden, RScP

“Getting There Together” – Eugene Holden, RScP

To stand on a strong spiritual foundation, we must be willing to break through, dig out, shore up, and clean out all the unnecessary debris. ...
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"Honoring Diversity" – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

“Honoring Diversity” – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

How can we truly “see and hear the other” as stated in our new Identity Statement? It is not enough to say, we are all ...
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"What Is Ours to Do?" – Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon

“What Is Ours to Do?” – Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon

We have two options, stay behind and atrophy or step on in and grow. This is not just about this time of COVID, it is ...
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Rebecca Beall, RScP

“What Is Ours To Do Now?” – Rebecca Beall, RScP

I absolutely love our global vision, A World that Works for All. I want a world where we and our children and our children's children ...
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"Sacred Interdependence" – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

“Sacred Interdependence” – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

Join Dr. Nadene in exploring the joys and challenges of consciously shifting our mindset from dependence to independence to interdependence.
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"Meeting the Divine Known as You" – Eugene Holden, RScP

“Meeting the Divine Known as You” – Eugene Holden, RScP

When we decide to live from the consciousness of Unity, we come face-to-face with the Divine.
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"Planting Ourselves in the Universe" – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

“Planting Ourselves in the Universe” – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

We come alive as we rediscover the truth of our goodness and our natural connectedness to all of life. Let's explore this idea...
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"Reaching Higher, for What?" – Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson

“Reaching Higher, for What?” – Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson

In many spiritual arenas, reaching higher is a widely known concept. But what if it is more of a linguistic convenience than a fact?
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"The Flipped Switch" – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

“The Flipped Switch” – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

We search for meaning in life, which motivates us to reach higher, push farther, but when the dust settles, we realized that life has no ...
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"Sparking Imagination" – Rev. Faith Woods

“Sparking Imagination” – Rev. Faith Woods

As we pause for guidance this month it is good to remember the vivid imagination we possess. We may get caught in the daily grind ...
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