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Sunday Celebration

"Relationships: The Final Frontier" – Eugene Holden, RScP

“Relationships: The Final Frontier” – Eugene Holden, RScP

Being in Sacred Relationship with all of life means that you are a Star Player with the Divine.
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"Exploring Our Relational Concepts" – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

“Exploring Our Relational Concepts” – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

When we enter that state of relatedness instead of avoiding relationship, we are brought closer to others, to life and to our self, together as ...
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"Craving Connections" – Ginny Robertson

“Craving Connections” – Ginny Robertson

We humans have a desire for deep connection to other humans and to create meaningful relationships.
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"There is No Other" – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

“There is No Other” – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

To make relationship changes in your life, first you need to agree that “otherness” is a construct of your own mind.
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"Your Body: Sacred Site, Holy Site" – Eugene Holden, RScP

“Your Body: Sacred Site, Holy Site” – Eugene Holden, RScP

Your body is the temple of Universal Intelligence. Listen to what it’s saying.
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"Life Beyond Thunderdome" – Rev. Rafe Ellis

“Life Beyond Thunderdome” – Rev. Rafe Ellis

There is a revelation just beyond the edge of these turbulent times. We are at a point of choice…
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"Being Heaven's Hands" – Rev. Jim Webb

“Being Heaven’s Hands” – Rev. Jim Webb

We are all vessels through whom God's love, light, grace and healing can flow. What happens when God's good flows through us?
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"Sacred Service as a Spiritual Practice" – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

“Sacred Service as a Spiritual Practice” – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

Giving to others feels so good, doesn’t it? Don’t we wish more would jump in and do this kindness in the world?
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"There's No Place Like Home" – Rev. Lane Cobb

“There’s No Place Like Home” – Rev. Lane Cobb

Prayer has a way of returning us to what is true and real. Regardless of our circumstances, it is our capacity to connect to the ...
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“I Am the Peace in the Storm of Emotions” – Eugene Holden, RScP

“I Am the Peace in the Storm of Emotions” – Eugene Holden, RScP

In the midst of the anger, be still and know that there is something within you that cannot and will not be moved by the ...
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