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Sunday Celebration

Wendy Greene

“The Power of We” – Wendy Greene, ALSP

While many spiritual practices are solo activities, transformation is not. It's a dynamic process of interaction, inclusion, exclusion and sometimes collision. Sounds kinda like life, ...
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"With God All Things Are Possible" – "With God All Things Are Possible" – Shari Hammond, RScP

“With God All Things Are Possible” – Shari Hammond, RScP

Accessing The Infinite! Have you ever stopped to think about how? How is this statement true? How do we access that infinite power?
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"Rinse Repeat, The Lie We've Believed" – Rev. Raymont Anderson

“Rinse Repeat, The Lie We’ve Believed” – Rev. Raymont Anderson

Spiritual Principle is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow; meaning Source is unchanging. However, when we treat, meditate, and engage life fully, our understanding changes.
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"Arise Master, Arise!" – Eugene Holden, RScP

“Arise Master, Arise!” – Eugene Holden, RScP

It’s time to step out from among the ordinary and step into the magnificence that is You.
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"Be Truthful, Gentle & Fearless" – Rev. Masando Hiraoka

“Be Truthful, Gentle & Fearless” – Rev. Masando Hiraoka

Watch Rev. Masando Mike Hiraoka as he addresses the 2018 Spiritual Living Convention "We Are CSL"
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Rev. Abigail Schairer

“The Divine Feminine and You: CSL Emerging Leader” – Rev. Abigail Schairer

Watch Rev. Abigail Schairer as she addresses the 2018 Spiritual Living Convention “We Are CSL”
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"Having A Particular Approach" – Rev. Jenna Wexler

“Having A Particular Approach” – Rev. Jenna Wexler

The 5 step affirmative prayer, also known as Spiritual Mind Treatment, is a methodology to prayer that achieves a multitude of things that are specific ...
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"If No One Was Watching" – Rev. Raymont Anders

“If No One Was Watching” – Rev. Raymont Anders

It has been said that “Character is what you are in the dark” and that "The true test of a person's character is what they ...
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"Full of Greatness" – Shari Hammond

“Full of Greatness” – Shari Hammond

This is the time of year we think about all that we are grateful for. A time we reflect on what’s important to us and ...
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"Living From The Love Within" – Rev. Jenna Wexler

“Living From The Love Within” – Rev. Jenna Wexler

When we pause to ask, "What would Love look like here?", we are always guided to a new response that supports and blesses all involved.
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