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Sunday Celebration

"X" Marks the Spot: "Intersectionality as Spiritual Practice" – Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson

“X” Marks the Spot: “Intersectionality as Spiritual Practice” – Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson

If we cannot accept all that WE are, how do we ever accept the other was Spirit incarnated ItSelf? How do we neutralize and dissolve ...
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"Using SOM to Move from Marginalization to Empowerment" – Rev. Michele Synegal

“Using SOM to Move from Marginalization to Empowerment” – Rev. Michele Synegal

Reverend Michele Synegal, a leader within Centers for Spiritual Living, shares her personal journey from being in the margins of the organization to becoming an ...
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B.E.A.U.T.Y. – Oneness Practitioner Interns

B.E.A.U.T.Y. – Oneness Practitioner Interns

Four of our Practitioner Interns - Ayo McClenney, Reggie Cole, Kimberly Akers and Rebecca Beall provide us with Power Talks on the meaning of B.E.A.U.T.Y. ...
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"Who Owns a Share of Your Mind?" – Rev. Jenna Wexler

“Who Owns a Share of Your Mind?” – Rev. Jenna Wexler

We live in two worlds with differing dynamics for navigating life and using power. Explore that who owns “a share of our mind” affects which ...
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"Tag, You're It!" – Eugene Holden, RScP

“Tag, You’re It!” – Eugene Holden, RScP

This lesson is about awakening to your true and authentic Self. Living life as the God-in-you intended. You don't want to miss this one!
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"The Invisible Gift" – Rev. Raymont Anderson

“The Invisible Gift” – Rev. Raymont Anderson

Silence is a quieting of mental chatter, emotional disturbances, and physical tensions and busyness to all the deep resounding resonance with the Isness and Allness ...
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"Attitude of Gratitude" – Idalia Romero, RScP

“Attitude of Gratitude” – Idalia Romero, RScP

When we know that our life is full of potential good we bring it to fruition by changing our attitude. As a beginning we can ...
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"Shadow Dancing" – Rev. Jenna Wexler

“Shadow Dancing” – Rev. Jenna Wexler

Explore accepting Life’s invitation for us to expand and empower ourselves with ‘shadow dancing” lessons…couples dancing with our attachments and changing our dance partners as ...
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"Be Still and Know" – Rev. Raymont Anderson

“Be Still and Know” – Rev. Raymont Anderson

What happens in our consciousness when we no longer hear this as coming from an anthropomorphic God but rather as our own inner dialogue? If ...
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"Where Two or More Are Gathered" – Idalia Romero, RScP

“Where Two or More Are Gathered” – Idalia Romero, RScP

Community is tangible; community is cohesive; community brings people together in ways that allow them to do things they couldn't have done in isolation. The ...
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