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SUNDAY VIRTUAL SERVICE: Rebecca Beall, RScP “Curioser and Curioser”

The definition of curiosity is a desire to know, to seek insight, information, and understanding from beyond our own perspective. There is always something new ...
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Affirmative Prayer – Week of 3/31/19

The following is a transcript of Eugene Holden’s affirmative prayer on Sunday, March 31, 2019: Please join me in this affirmative prayer.  This is what ...
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A Prayerful Sunday with Eugene Holden, RScP

If you want to learn how to start transforming your life, Oneness can help!  Join us this Sunday for a day with Science of Mind ...
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"Be Still and Know" – Rev. Raymont Anderson

“Be Still and Know” – Rev. Raymont Anderson

What happens in our consciousness when we no longer hear this as coming from an anthropomorphic God but rather as our own inner dialogue? If ...
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"With God All Things Are Possible" – "With God All Things Are Possible" – Shari Hammond, RScP

“With God All Things Are Possible” – Shari Hammond, RScP

Accessing The Infinite! Have you ever stopped to think about how? How is this statement true? How do we access that infinite power?
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"Rinse Repeat, The Lie We've Believed" – Rev. Raymont Anderson

“Rinse Repeat, The Lie We’ve Believed” – Rev. Raymont Anderson

Spiritual Principle is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow; meaning Source is unchanging. However, when we treat, meditate, and engage life fully, our understanding changes.
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"If No One Was Watching" – Rev. Raymont Anders

“If No One Was Watching” – Rev. Raymont Anders

It has been said that “Character is what you are in the dark” and that "The true test of a person's character is what they ...
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"Full of Greatness" – Shari Hammond

“Full of Greatness” – Shari Hammond

This is the time of year we think about all that we are grateful for. A time we reflect on what’s important to us and ...
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"Living Out Loud" – Shari Hammond, RScP

“Living Out Loud” – Shari Hammond, RScP

We are divine beings having a human experience, and they are one in the same. We are whole, not 2 halves. Whole.
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Shari Hammond, RScP

“Hands & Feet of God” – Shari Hammond, RScP

We will explore what it means to shift away from anything that would have us deny our own creativity and ignite the flame of personal ...
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