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Own Your Beauty by Rebecca Beall

Do you know how beautiful you are?  You are stunningly, awe-inspiringly beautiful.  You are gorgeous beyond measure.  Did you realize you are that beautiful? Psalm 90:17 says, ...
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“Beauty Is All Around Us” by Ayo McClenney

I am drawing your attention to beauty.  Just relax because you don’t need to study anything to recognize beauty.  All you must do is know ...
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Taking the Scenic Route by Reggie Kapp

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  What that means is we determine whether a person, place, thing or experience has the quality of ...
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Affirmative Prayer – Week of 5/5/19

The following is a transcript of Rebecca Beall’s affirmative prayer on Sunday, May 5, 2019: Please join me in this affirmative prayer.  As we just ...
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B.E.A.U.T.Y. – Oneness Practitioner Interns

B.E.A.U.T.Y. – Oneness Practitioner Interns

Four of our Practitioner Interns - Ayo McClenney, Reggie Cole, Kimberly Akers and Rebecca Beall provide us with Power Talks on the meaning of B.E.A.U.T.Y. ...
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Affirmative Prayer – Week of 4/28/19

The following is a transcript of Rev. Jenna Wexler’s affirmative prayer on Sunday, April 28, 2019: I invite you to join me in this affirmative ...
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"Who Owns a Share of Your Mind?" – Rev. Jenna Wexler

“Who Owns a Share of Your Mind?” – Rev. Jenna Wexler

We live in two worlds with differing dynamics for navigating life and using power. Explore that who owns “a share of our mind” affects which ...
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Affirmative Prayer – Week of 3/31/19

The following is a transcript of Eugene Holden’s affirmative prayer on Sunday, March 31, 2019: Please join me in this affirmative prayer.  This is what ...
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"Tag, You're It!" – Eugene Holden, RScP

“Tag, You’re It!” – Eugene Holden, RScP

This lesson is about awakening to your true and authentic Self. Living life as the God-in-you intended. You don't want to miss this one!
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A Prayerful Sunday with Eugene Holden, RScP

If you want to learn how to start transforming your life, Oneness can help!  Join us this Sunday for a day with Science of Mind ...
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