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"Casting Shadows" – Rev. Jenna Wexler

“Casting Shadows” – Rev. Jenna Wexler

We discuss our relationship to shadows, what casts them in our lives and how to cast them out with light. Join us as we prepare ...
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Women's Book Club

Heartfelt Tribute to the Oneness Women’s Group

The following heartfelt tribute was submitted by Oneness member, Jodi Davidson, and is shared with her permission: Dear Women of Oneness, I woke up this ...
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"Conviction Matters" – Rev. Faith Woods

“Conviction Matters” – Rev. Faith Woods

When we commit to continuous knowing of Oneness, we are ready to use the Power that surges through us. We may go through awkward stages, ...
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"Evolving Our Consciousness in These Changing and Uncertain Times" – Rev. Michele Synegal

“Evolving Our Consciousness in These Changing and Uncertain Times” – Rev. Michele Synegal

There are so many changes disrupting our way of life, and therefore, our way of being in the world; such as the increase of mass ...
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Sermon by the Sea

In his final “Sermon by the Sea” given in 1959 at Asilomar, California, Ernest Holmes shared his vision of the outcome of global well-being, the ...
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"The Power of Purpose" – Rev. Dr. Judy Morley

“The Power of Purpose” – Rev. Dr. Judy Morley

Rev. Dr. Judy Morley explores the three levels of purpose - personal, relational and global - and how we can't be effective until we identify ...
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"X" Marks the Spot: "Intersectionality as Spiritual Practice" – Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson

“X” Marks the Spot: “Intersectionality as Spiritual Practice” – Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson

If we cannot accept all that WE are, how do we ever accept the other was Spirit incarnated ItSelf? How do we neutralize and dissolve ...
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"Using SOM to Move from Marginalization to Empowerment" – Rev. Michele Synegal

“Using SOM to Move from Marginalization to Empowerment” – Rev. Michele Synegal

Reverend Michele Synegal, a leader within Centers for Spiritual Living, shares her personal journey from being in the margins of the organization to becoming an ...
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Diversity hands

“Giving Our Teens a Life-Changing Experience” by Leah Moore

When I think of teen camp, I think of a life-changing experience that truly shaped who I am as a person and provided me with ...
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A Recipe for Yummy Prayers

One of our amazing members, Jenna Pekofsky, recently took an online course called “The Power of Your Word” and created this amazing “Recipe” as her ...
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