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Sunday Celebration

“Getting Back to Basics” – Eugene Holden, RScP

We can sometimes find ourselves inundated with the activities of life and forget what it took to get us where we are. That’s why it’s good to get back to basics. This is also true for our spiritual journey. Join Master Practitioner, Eugene Holden, RScP, for an overview of the four basic tenets of Science of Mind and Spirit, as outlined in the first four chapters of the Science of Mind Textbook: The Thing Itself; The Way It Works; What It Does; and, How to Use It. If you want to know more about the Science of Mind and Spirit, you do not want to miss this opportunity.

Sunday Celebration Service

Join us at the Hawthorn Center every 2nd and 4th Sunday for our 10:00 AM (ET) Live Service. Or, to join us virtually on any Sunday at 10:00 AM, visit our Facebook page, our YouTube Channel OR on Twitch TV!

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