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“Self Care: Centered in Self” – Rev. Dr. Nadene Rogers

Self Care

When I was studying to become a science of mind practitioner, I set to practice a concept that is the foundational under-pinning of the principles and it completely blew my mind!

You see, I had spent years being the one people called, being the one people sought after for advice or support, and I was more than happy to extend my life experience, my heart, my home, my money, anything I could do to be there for a soul in need. And because of that, I thought I was a good person. A humanitarian in fact. And then when I entered practitioner training and I was told that there is only one of you in the room and that the law of cause and effect stated that as I believed in my own mind it was done unto me, and that as I believed was how I perceived another and interpreted our conversation, I realized I was looking at and talking to myself!! I was further guided that my only job as a practitioner is to know the truth in mind about the part of me in the universe known as the client who sat before me, and, that it was not my business or my responsibility for how they responded to my prayer work or what they thought of me, or what they said about themselves, the moment they walked out that door! That seems far too easy to me. And I thought real caring was jumping into the fire with them (to save them from themselves, ha!)

Here’s more good news. The universal principles taught in Science of Mind say that everyone is equal in the fact of their inherent spiritual birthright. That each person no matter their circumstances in Life or their past experiences, or what faith they may practice, have a Divine blueprint which creates a common desire and capacity to choose a good, prosperous, amazing life.

To follow this up, I had to start using “I” statements not “you” statements, because if I have everything already within me that I need, I only need to access it through acknowledging it and then reveal it. Most of my needs can be met by myself, but clearly that is not how most talk about it, especially where relationships are concerned, i.e. your fault, my loss.

Many relationships are formed because they represent a feeling, an experience that we have of ourselves when we’re with that person which fulfills a need in us. That need can be one that we didn’t know we had, or one we were aware of but that we couldn’t find a way to meet, and it can be supporting any core belief we have of ourselves. Very few relationships stand on the ground of individual respect and honor of one another, where two lives are shared lovingly through a foundational commitment to the self to be their highest and best and allow their care to show in a manner that supports that same opportunity for realization of that capacity in the other.

Obviously, I had a lot of readjusting to do when I was new in my Practitioner business. And the end of this story so far is that I succeeded, my life is less complex, I have more free time and mind space, and can be present in a far more unconditionally loving way, that truly walks the teaching of the principle of Wholeness as the truth of us all.

I wanted to use this idea of relationships because, it is a hot topic for everyone at some point. Often when get out of one, we take a big breath and we say to ourselves, oh my goodness, I feel free now I have time for myself! Sound familiar? So many struggle with, why can’t I have this feeling and the relationship of my of my dreams at the same time? Often we live from a mindset of either/or, but were we to remember that there is only One of us respectfully, we could in fact love ourselves into the light and share it with the love of our life. Imagine that!

This month we embark on self-care and the title of this blog is pointed towards being centered in self, not centered in another, because when we are centered in self, we are centered in God, our Wholeness, that which we were blessed to express, to experience, and to become. This is our own responsibility, and we need to know the truth about it in our own mind, and the “other” that we draw into our life allows us to practice this truth. Through being centered in self, we learn to understand that how we live becomes our prayer, and we learn to live and let live.

In honor of our journey together,

Dr. Nadene

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