Today’s reading is taken from the Science of Mind Magazine February 14, 2014 written by Eugene Holden and is entitled “Love One Another”
We start the reading with two quotes:
And now abides faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. —1 Corinthians 13:13
We are happy when life flows through us into creative self-expression. This cannot happen while we judge ourselves or others. When we so live that nothing goes from us but love there will be no condemnation or ourselves or others. -Ernest Holmes (Words that Heal Today, p. 84.4)
So much is written about love, because love is the greatest power on the planet. Love loves life. Love causes the sun to shine, and the sun is life-giving. Love causes the heart to beat. Without the heart, there is no life. Love is the source of the breath. Without the breath, there is no life. Love is life affirming. We have been given the gift of love—to give and receive love. We are called to love from a deeper place. To love unconditionally means to love no matter what. This is easy to say, but sometimes hard to do. However, it can be done through practice. We start by loving ourselves completely. No matter what we have done or not done in the past, no matter how we have shown up or not shown up, we love ourselves anyway. When we fully love who we are, we can more easily love one another. This may not be easy at first. But as we practice being love, it becomes easier. Love is an action word. It no longer works just to talk about love. We are called to show our love through action. Today, become still and surround the world in the energy of love. By doing this, you allow for an abundant flow of life energy to come into your life. Love your neighbor as you love yourself, and watch how life changes for the highest and best for all.
Please join me in reading the affirmation projected on the wall:
I am the loving presence of God. I love all who come to mind. I send love to all parts of the world. I am the love of God. And so it is!